Keerthi Welisara’s latest novel “Sandhyanandaya” revolves around a retired character full of drama. His name is Ananda. Compared to the rest of the author’s novels, this is a creative work in a different place in terms of experience and narrative rules. The reason for this is that this has been created on the basis of an object subject which has not been proposed by him so far.
The story revolves around a love affair between an archeology student and a female student. The historical events, social weaknesses and changing social reality that are revealed due to that extraordinary love helps to keep the reader’s attention.
This is an observation of politics and people’s life in South India and Ceylon between, 1800-1827. The life spent by Sri Vikrama Rajasinghe in Vellore Fort and Mahal is also well depicted here.
This book will take you to the life of the American people in the distant past. By reading this unforgettable story of a loving family, you will understand the value of closeness, affection and harmony between family members.
This is the seventh in the classic nine-part Little House series written by Laura Ingalls Wilder, beloved by tens of millions of readers worldwide for generations.
This is the eighth in the classic nine-part Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, beloved by tens of millions of readers worldwide for generations.