The novel ‘Magam Scandal’ basically centers around the temple which was the center of our Sinhalese villages. But it is not a traditional temple. During the Kandy era, these temples, which had gone into great decline, often housed monks instead of monks. They protected families. Wives took care of children. In the past, these temples were named as ‘Gane Walava’ or ‘Gane House’.
Abbitta Unnanse, who comes to the temple in the middle of the novel, is such a character, but the big monk in the temple in the first half is not such a character. Unnanse is a meditative noble who cultivates wisdom. Perhaps he may be a person who has reached the fruit of Sovan. Thus there is a possibility of sins (mistakes) being committed by a person who is not Sovan or Sotapanna. As mentioned in the Sarakani Sutra of the Sarakani section of the Sankhya Nikaya, a Bamun named Sarakani was an alcoholic. Even after becoming sober, he cannot give up this greed.
Accordingly, it is clear to us that the Sotapanna person has a close relationship with the earthly life. Even though he is a meditator, this great monk can see the future like an eagle. That is why Unnanse orders one of his students, Pallegama monk, to leave the village temple and go to Malwatu temple to meet Ihagama monk who is leading the people’s struggle. Even if he is a poor person who cultivates wisdom, he fulfills his responsibility for the society and the people in that way.
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